Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Toni´s Birthday e Munich Party

On Saturday we had an "unbirthday" party for Toni. Seems she thought all year that she was 38, but in reality she was only 37. Mental health is a draggggggggg. Anyway, we got a few bottles of prosecco and juiced some fresh oranges and hung around in the yard all day. It was nice. Real nice.

Toni made an experimental buttermilk cake that was pretty incredible. Apparently Nolan thought it was good too.

On Sunday I came back up here to Munich to stay at Lingg House for a few days before heading up to Berlin.

We made polenta with veggies. Them shits was good.

The Express Brass Band was practicing in the studio. This place has a really awesome vibe. The band members are amazing people and truly incredible musicians.

Timo flipped 4 polenta pancakes at once, without a mishap. BRILLIANT!

This man with the megaphone is Etienne from Camaroon. He has been here in Munich for like 10 years. He raps in french and plays the drums at the same time. If you get sick watching this video, its Brandon´s fault. He decided it was cool to jump around while shooting. Silly boy.


1 comment:

Anna B. said...

Happy unbirthday to Toni! Love the pictures of the kids (especially Chloe's missing teeth) Hugs